Persian Verb Conjugator with Integrated Persian WordNet

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See the list of verbs with translations: Simple Verbs, Compound Verbs.

mordan [مردن]

Past Stem Present Stem
mord mir
  1. intrs. to die (pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life)
    Syn: fawt kardan, dar gozashtan, tamām kardan, nā-kām shodan, az dast raftan, zāe` shodan, āb-be-āb shodan


13 examples of usage

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Positive Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect SubjunctivePast Progressive
manmordammimordammorde bāshamdāshtam mimordam
tomordimimordimorde bāshidāshti mimordi
umordmimordmorde bāshaddāsht mimord
mordimmimordimmorde bāshimdāshtim mimordim
shomāmordidmimordidmorde bāshiddāshtid mimordid
ānhāmordandmimordandmorde bāshanddāshtand mimordand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent IndicativePresent Progressive
manmordeammorde budammimiramdāram mimiram
tomordeimorde budimimiridāri mimiri
umorde astmorde budmimiraddārad mimirad
mordeimmorde budimmimirimdārim mimirim
shomāmordeidmorde budidmimiriddārid mimirid
ānhāmordeandmorde budandmimiranddārand mimirand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manbemiramkhāham mord 
tobemirikhāhi mordbemir
ubemiradkhāhad mord 
bemirimkhāhim mord 
shomābemiridkhāhid mordbemirid
ānhābemirandkhāhand mord 

Negative Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect Subjunctive
mannamordamnemimordamnamorde bāsham
tonamordinemimordinamorde bāshi
unamordnemimordnamorde bāshad
namordimnemimordimnamorde bāshim
shomānamordidnemimordidnamorde bāshid
ānhānamordandnemimordandnamorde bāshand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent Indicative
mannamordeamnamorde budamnemimiram
tonamordeinamorde budinemimiri
unamorde astnamorde budnemimirad
namordeimnamorde budimnemimirim
shomānamordeidnamorde budidnemimirid
ānhānamordeandnamorde budandnemimirand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
mannamiramnakhāham mord 
tonamirinakhāhi mordnamir
unamiradnakhāhad mord 
namirimnakhāhim mord 
shomānamiridnakhāhid mordnamirid
ānhānamirandnakhāhand mord 

Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Artem Lukanin
The online version was inspired by Ali Jahanshiri's original downloadable PVC for Windows which is now also available as an online version.
Persian meanings are now grouped according to synsets per WordNet.
These sentences are direct translations into Persian from WordNet example sentences.