Persian Verb Conjugator with Integrated Persian WordNet

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See the list of verbs with translations: Simple Verbs, Compound Verbs.

marbut budan [مربوط بودن]

Past Stem Present Stem
marbut bud marbut bāsh
  1. to concern
  2. to regard
  3. to be related


2 examples of usage

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Positive Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect SubjunctivePast Progressive
manmarbut budammarbut mibudam 1
tomarbut budimarbut mibudi 1
umarbut budmarbut mibud 1
marbut budimmarbut mibudim 1
shomāmarbut budidmarbut mibudid 1
ānhāmarbut budandmarbut mibudand 1
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent IndicativePresent Progressive
manmarbut budeammarbut-am
marbut hastam
tomarbut budeimarbut-i
marbut hasti
umarbut bude astmarbut ast
marbut hast 2
marbut budeimmarbut-im
marbut hastim
shomāmarbut budeidmarbut-id
marbut hastid
ānhāmarbut budeandmarbut-and
marbut hastand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manmarbut bāshammarbut khāham bud 
tomarbut bāshimarbut khāhi budmarbut bāsh
umarbut bāshadmarbut khāhad bud 
marbut bāshimmarbut khāhim bud 
shomāmarbut bāshidmarbut khāhid budmarbut bāshid
ānhāmarbut bāshandmarbut khāhand bud 

Negative Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect Subjunctive
manmarbut nabudammarbut nemibudam 1
tomarbut nabudimarbut nemibudi 1
umarbut nabudmarbut nemibud 1
marbut nabudimmarbut nemibudim 1
shomāmarbut nabudidmarbut nemibudid 1
ānhāmarbut nabudandmarbut nemibudand 1
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent Indicative
manmarbut nabudeammarbut nistam
tomarbut nabudeimarbut nisti
umarbut nabude astmarbut nist
marbut nabudeimmarbut nistim
shomāmarbut nabudeidmarbut nistid
ānhāmarbut nabudeandmarbut nistand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manmarbut nabāshammarbut nakhāham bud 
tomarbut nabāshimarbut nakhāhi budmarbut nabāsh
umarbut nabāshadmarbut nakhāhad bud 
marbut nabāshimmarbut nakhāhim bud 
shomāmarbut nabāshidmarbut nakhāhid budmarbut nabāshid
ānhāmarbut nabāshandmarbut nakhāhand bud 
1 The imperfect forms with mi- may be heard, or read, occasionally when used for irreal/unlikely/hypothetical conditions; but they are not standard Persian, and should be avoided.

2 3rd person singular "hast" is not generally used except for emphasis or euphonics when the meaning is "is". Use it when the meaning is "exists".

Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Artem Lukanin
The online version was inspired by Ali Jahanshiri's original downloadable PVC for Windows which is now also available as an online version.
Persian meanings are now grouped according to synsets per WordNet.
These sentences are direct translations into Persian from WordNet example sentences.