Persian Verb Conjugator with Integrated Persian WordNet

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See the list of verbs with translations: Simple Verbs, Compound Verbs.

mobtalā shodan [مبتلا شدن]

Past Stem Present Stem Synonyms
mobtalā shod mobtalā shaw`āsheq-e kasi yā chizi shodan

  1. intrs. to fall sick (with) (get sick)
    Syn: āb-be-āb shodan, bastari shodan, bimār shodan, zard shodan, mariz shodan, nākhosh shodan, nā-rāhat shodan
  2. intrs. to be stricken (with)
  3. lit. intrs. to fall in love (having an affliction)
    Syn: mobtalā budan


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Positive Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect SubjunctivePast Progressive
manmobtalā shodammobtalā mishodammobtalā shode bāshamdāshtam mobtalā mishodam
tomobtalā shodimobtalā mishodimobtalā shode bāshidāshti mobtalā mishodi
umobtalā shodmobtalā mishodmobtalā shode bāshaddāsht mobtalā mishod
mobtalā shodimmobtalā mishodimmobtalā shode bāshimdāshtim mobtalā mishodim
shomāmobtalā shodidmobtalā mishodidmobtalā shode bāshiddāshtid mobtalā mishodid
ānhāmobtalā shodandmobtalā mishodandmobtalā shode bāshanddāshtand mobtalā mishodand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent IndicativePresent Progressive
manmobtalā shodeammobtalā shode budammobtalā mishavamdāram mobtalā mishavam
tomobtalā shodeimobtalā shode budimobtalā mishavidāri mobtalā mishavi
umobtalā shode astmobtalā shode budmobtalā mishavaddārad mobtalā mishavad
mobtalā shodeimmobtalā shode budimmobtalā mishavimdārim mobtalā mishavim
shomāmobtalā shodeidmobtalā shode budidmobtalā mishaviddārid mobtalā mishavid
ānhāmobtalā shodeandmobtalā shode budandmobtalā mishavanddārand mobtalā mishavand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manmobtalā beshavammobtalā khāham shod 
tomobtalā beshavimobtalā khāhi shodmobtalā beshaw
umobtalā beshavadmobtalā khāhad shod 
mobtalā beshavimmobtalā khāhim shod 
shomāmobtalā beshavidmobtalā khāhid shodmobtalā beshavid
ānhāmobtalā beshavandmobtalā khāhand shod 

Negative Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect Subjunctive
manmobtalā nashodammobtalā nemishodammobtalā nashode bāsham
tomobtalā nashodimobtalā nemishodimobtalā nashode bāshi
umobtalā nashodmobtalā nemishodmobtalā nashode bāshad
mobtalā nashodimmobtalā nemishodimmobtalā nashode bāshim
shomāmobtalā nashodidmobtalā nemishodidmobtalā nashode bāshid
ānhāmobtalā nashodandmobtalā nemishodandmobtalā nashode bāshand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent Indicative
manmobtalā nashodeammobtalā nashode budammobtalā nemishavam
tomobtalā nashodeimobtalā nashode budimobtalā nemishavi
umobtalā nashode astmobtalā nashode budmobtalā nemishavad
mobtalā nashodeimmobtalā nashode budimmobtalā nemishavim
shomāmobtalā nashodeidmobtalā nashode budidmobtalā nemishavid
ānhāmobtalā nashodeandmobtalā nashode budandmobtalā nemishavand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manmobtalā nashavammobtalā nakhāham shod 
tomobtalā nashavimobtalā nakhāhi shodmobtalā nashaw
umobtalā nashavadmobtalā nakhāhad shod 
mobtalā nashavimmobtalā nakhāhim shod 
shomāmobtalā nashavidmobtalā nakhāhid shodmobtalā nashavid
ānhāmobtalā nashavandmobtalā nakhāhand shod 

Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Artem Lukanin
The online version was inspired by Ali Jahanshiri's original downloadable PVC for Windows which is now also available as an online version.
Persian meanings are now grouped according to synsets per WordNet.
These sentences are direct translations into Persian from WordNet example sentences.