Persian Verb Conjugator with Integrated Persian WordNet

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See the list of verbs with translations: Simple Verbs, Compound Verbs.

koshtan [کشتن]

Past Stem Present Stem Synonyms
kosht koshbe qatl resāndan, nā-kām kardan, past kardan

  1. to kill (cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly)
    Syn: jān gereftan, tamām kardan, rishe-kan kardan


4 examples of usage

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Positive Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect SubjunctivePast Progressive
mankoshtammikoshtamkoshte bāshamdāshtam mikoshtam
tokoshtimikoshtikoshte bāshidāshti mikoshti
ukoshtmikoshtkoshte bāshaddāsht mikosht
koshtimmikoshtimkoshte bāshimdāshtim mikoshtim
shomākoshtidmikoshtidkoshte bāshiddāshtid mikoshtid
ānhākoshtandmikoshtandkoshte bāshanddāshtand mikoshtand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent IndicativePresent Progressive
mankoshteamkoshte budammikoshamdāram mikosham
tokoshteikoshte budimikoshidāri mikoshi
ukoshte astkoshte budmikoshaddārad mikoshad
koshteimkoshte budimmikoshimdārim mikoshim
shomākoshteidkoshte budidmikoshiddārid mikoshid
ānhākoshteandkoshte budandmikoshanddārand mikoshand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
manbekoshamkhāham kosht 
tobekoshikhāhi koshtbekosh
ubekoshadkhāhad kosht 
bekoshimkhāhim kosht 
shomābekoshidkhāhid koshtbekoshid
ānhābekoshandkhāhand kosht 

Negative Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect Subjunctive
mannakoshtamnemikoshtamnakoshte bāsham
tonakoshtinemikoshtinakoshte bāshi
unakoshtnemikoshtnakoshte bāshad
nakoshtimnemikoshtimnakoshte bāshim
shomānakoshtidnemikoshtidnakoshte bāshid
ānhānakoshtandnemikoshtandnakoshte bāshand
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent Indicative
mannakoshteamnakoshte budamnemikosham
tonakoshteinakoshte budinemikoshi
unakoshte astnakoshte budnemikoshad
nakoshteimnakoshte budimnemikoshim
shomānakoshteidnakoshte budidnemikoshid
ānhānakoshteandnakoshte budandnemikoshand
 Present SubjunctiveFutureImperative
mannakoshamnakhāham kosht 
tonakoshinakhāhi koshtnakosh
unakoshadnakhāhad kosht 
nakoshimnakhāhim kosht 
shomānakoshidnakhāhid koshtnakoshid
ānhānakoshandnakhāhand kosht 

Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Artem Lukanin
The online version was inspired by Ali Jahanshiri's original downloadable PVC for Windows which is now also available as an online version.
Persian meanings are now grouped according to synsets per WordNet.
These sentences are direct translations into Persian from WordNet example sentences.