Persian Verb Conjugator with Integrated Persian WordNet (Spoken Style)

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See the list of verbs with translations: Simple Verbs, Compound Verbs.

towlid shodan [تولید شدن]

Past Stem Present Stem
towlid shod towlid sh
  1. to be created (be caused to be or to become)
  2. to be created (be brought into existence)
  3. to be created (be or become created by artistic means)
  4. to be produced (be created or manufactured as a man-made product)
  5. to be brought about (be made to happen, occur or exist)
  6. to be produced (be cultivated by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques)
  7. to be produced (be brought onto the market or released)
  8. to be generated (be or become produced (energy))
  9. to be generated (be given or supplied)
  10. to get produced (be or become produced)


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Positive Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect SubjunctivePast Progressive
mantowlid shodamtowlid mishodamtowlid shode bāshamdāshtam towlid mishodam
totowlid shoditowlid mishoditowlid shode bāshidāshti towlid mishodi
untowlid shodtowlid mishodtowlid shode bāshedāsht towlid mishod
towlid shodimtowlid mishodimtowlid shode bāshimdāshtim towlid mishodim
shomātowlid shodintowlid mishodintowlid shode bāshindāshtin towlid mishodin
unātowlid shodantowlid mishodantowlid shode bāshandāshtan towlid mishodan
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent IndicativePresent Progressive
mantowlid shodeamtowlid shode budamtowlid mishamdāram towlid misham
totowlid shodeitowlid shode buditowlid mishidāri towlid mishi
untowlid shodetowlid shode budtowlid mishedāre towlid mishe
towlid shodeimtowlid shode budimtowlid mishimdārim towlid mishim
shomātowlid shodeintowlid shode budintowlid mishindārin towlid mishin
unātowlid shodeantowlid shode budantowlid mishandāran towlid mishan
 Present SubjunctiveImperative
mantowlid besham 
totowlid beshitowlid besho
untowlid beshe 
towlid beshim 
shomātowlid beshintowlid beshin
unātowlid beshan 

Negative Forms

 Simple PastImperfectPerfect Subjunctive
mantowlid nashodamtowlid nemishodamtowlid nashode bāsham
totowlid nashoditowlid nemishoditowlid nashode bāshi
untowlid nashodtowlid nemishodtowlid nashode bāshe
towlid nashodimtowlid nemishodimtowlid nashode bāshim
shomātowlid nashodintowlid nemishodintowlid nashode bāshin
unātowlid nashodantowlid nemishodantowlid nashode bāshan
 Present PerfectPast PerfectPresent Indicative
mantowlid nashodeamtowlid nashode budamtowlid nemisham
totowlid nashodeitowlid nashode buditowlid nemishi
untowlid nashodetowlid nashode budtowlid nemishe
towlid nashodeimtowlid nashode budimtowlid nemishim
shomātowlid nashodeintowlid nashode budintowlid nemishin
unātowlid nashodeantowlid nashode budantowlid nemishan
 Present SubjunctiveImperative
mantowlid nasham 
totowlid nashitowlid nasho
untowlid nashe 
towlid nashim 
shomātowlid nashintowlid nashin
unātowlid nashan 

Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Artem Lukanin
The online version was inspired by Ali Jahanshiri's original downloadable PVC for Windows which is now also available as an online version.
Persian meanings are now grouped according to synsets per WordNet.
These sentences are direct translations into Persian from WordNet example sentences.