Tests Contents

Tests to Practice Joining and Disjoining Persian Letters

Based on the 7 groups of Windfuhr

Tests for Disjoining Frequently Occurring Shapes (Training the Retina to See Multi-Level Blocks)

Tests for Disjoining Frequently Occurring Shapes (Handwriting)

Alphabet Tests with Audio to Learn Pronunciation

Word Derivation Tests

Tests for Telling the Time with audio, no knowledge of Persian script required

Math Tests

Info on Persian and Arabic Numbers

Writing Conventions Tests - Written and Spoken Styles some postmodern examples with audio

Stress and Intonation in the Present Perfect and Simple Past Tenses (Spoken Style)

Stress in words ending in -e

Verb Conjugation Tests

Return to the list of verbs

Tests on Chapters from the Windfuhr Textbook

Tests on the movie, "The Mission" (Ferestāde)

Return to the movie

Tests on the movie, "Hemlock" (Shawkarān)

Return to the movie

Tests on Current News Programs

Tests on Documentaries

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