
Please change this verb whose infinitive means "to choose", keeping the same person:

bar gozidim (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar migozidim
bar gozideim
bar migozinim

bar migozinam (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar migozidam
bar gozidam
bar gozideam

bar migozinad (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar gozide ast
bar gozid
bar migozid

bar gozidid (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar migozinid
bar migozidid
bar gozideid

bar migozinand (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar gozidand
bar gozideand
bar migozidand

bar gozidi (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar gozidei
bar migozidi
bar migozini

Persian Verb Conjugator

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