
Please change this verb whose infinitive means "to gather", keeping the same person:

bar chidi (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar chidei
bar michini
bar michidi

bar chid (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar chide ast
bar michinad
bar michid

bar michinam (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar michidam
bar chidam
bar chideam

bar michinid (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar chidid
bar michidid
bar chideid

bar chidim (from the Simple Past to the Present Indicative)
bar michinim
bar michidim
bar chideim

bar michinand (from the Present Indicative to the Simple Past)
bar chidand
bar chideand
bar michidand

Persian Verb Conjugator

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